Learning in the Library

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“My Hard Hitting Job” by James

What job do I want when I grow up?  I want to be an NFL quarterback.  I want to play football to entertain.  I can also help kids stay in shape.  I’ll also have to stay in shape so I don’t get injured

I want to play for the New England Patriots, the San Francisco 49ers, the Minnesota Vikings, or the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Patriots are my main team. The Vikings are good like some other teams.  I love the 49ers.  They had my favorite quarterback, Steve Young.  They are a good team.  I like Jacksonville, too.

When I retire, I’ll coach my own team.  I’ll name them the Sharks.  Now it’s time for this piece to retire!

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“My Dream Job” by Elizabeth

I would like to work with tools and levers that other people and I can use.  Guess what I would like to be!  I would like to be an inventor!  If you guessed a toy-maker, you were close!

When I see something, there is a 99% chance it will be something different!

In 2009 I made a floating light called a light float.  My dad had to help me make it float because it was too heavy. 

I have a lot of experience because I made a floating light, a bunch of cannons, and an alien bobble head.

I hope I can get into a good college because it would increase my experience.  I love inventing because it’s fun making stuff.

My favorite stuff to work with is staples, screws, and duct tape.  It’s so much fun, you should try it!  If you can’t think of something, just connect stuff together!

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“My Career” by Diana

Do you like to wear clothes?  Well, I do.  That’s what I want to make when I grow up because I love to draw clothes and dresses.  It is a lot of fun and a lot of work to make the details.  That is what I want to do when I grow up.

To make clothes, it takes a little time to get it right and to make it perfect.  You also make all the details like if you want to cuff the sleeve on a shirt.  On pants, it is a little the same, but they are made different.  But you have to make details like the pockets and if you want to have jewels.

To make dresses, you have to be careful to make everything perfect.

Everything must be perfect.  That’s a lot of work.  That is what I want to be when I grow up.

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“My Career” by Makayla

Do you know what I want to be when I grow up?  Well, I want to be a vet because I LOVE animals and read a lot about them—dogs mostly!

You have to go to college for 8 years.  Also, you have to be good at math and science.

If you want to be a vet, you have to be caring and hard-working.  I think I would be a good vet because I’m respectful and caring to animals.

I don’t have anyone in my family that is a vet! Also, when I grow up, I want to have a house full of pets.  For right now, I have 3 pets—a fighter fish, Bubbles; and English bulldog, Jesse; and a Deer Chihuahua Ernie.  It is a lot of work to have a house full of pets.  As you can see, I love animals and this is what I want to be when I grow up—a vet!

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“My Dream Job” by Bailey

My favorite soccer player is Fernando Torres and I want to be just like him.  I was 4 when I started playing soccer.  I play forward in a U-11 league and I score a lot of goals like him!

Fernando Torres is on a professional soccer team called Liverpool.  I also want to play in World Cup Soccer. Liverpool is in a league called Buckeyes Premier League.  The Buckeyes Premier League is a really good league where a lot of good soccer players play.  I think Liverpool is the best.

You need to stay fit, be healthy, and be on time for practice and games.

I want to be like my favorite soccer player.  I really want to have my dream job.

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