Learning in the Library

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Online contest #13

It’s time for some CJL trivia!  Explore the school’s webpage to find out what event is scheduled for May 6, 2008.  The first person to submit the correct answer wins a plush lamb!  Here’s the link: http://www.sanfordschools.avenet.net/index.asp?Type=B_DIR&SEC={C629111A-2CE3-458E-944B-2E630FADA62D}


Online contest #12

The first day of April is April Fool’s Day.  It is a day known for gags and pranks.  According to Compton’s Encyclopedia, in which country do people stick cutout paper fish on another’s back or send them anonymously in the mail on April Fool’s Day?

Hint:  The answer can be found in MARVEL!  Go to http://www.maine.gov/marvel .  Clicks on “KIDS” and then click on “Britannica Online School Edition (K-12).”  To access Compton’s Encyclopedia, select it from the list on the right-hand column.  Enter your search term in the search box and read the encyclopedia article to find the answer.


Online contest #11

Which American river is dyed green every year for St. Patrick’s Day?

 Hint:  Visit this site and read the captions to find the answer! http://www.history.com/minisites/stpatricksday/


Online contest #10 has a winner!

Fifth grader Rachel was the first to submit the correct answer to the question about past U.S. presidents.  Martin Van Buren was president in 1840 and Franklin D. Roosevelt held the office in 1940.  Congratulations, Rachel!

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Online contest #10

Since we honor the past presidents of our country on Presidents Day this month, our tenth online contest is about presidents.  Who was president in 1840 and who was president 100 years later (1940)?  First person to submit the correct two-part answer will be the winner!

One website that has information about the presidents is “White House Kids” and it can be found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/kids/presidents/.


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