Learning in the Library

Another excellent Edublogs.org blog

Library Wall of Fame

At the end of every school year, the students are challenged to return all their borrowed library books.  When everyone in a class meets that challenge, the class is featured on the Library Wall of Fame.  So far, five classes are proudly listed on the Wall of Fame.  They are Mrs. McCall’s class, Mrs. Cote’s first graders, Mrs. Carlisle’s kindergartners, Mrs. Sturtevant’s second graders, and Mrs. Meehan’s fifth graders.  Which class will be next?

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What goes together?

Mickey and Minnie balloonsBacon and eggs, salt and pepper, Mickey and Minnie…lots of things go together!  This week’s contest, the last one of the school year, asked students to match pair of book characters such as Henry and Mudge, Ivy and Bean, and Calvin and Hobbes.  Students who matched the six pairs correctly were entered in a drawing for a children’s book.  The three winners are first grader Sonny, third grader Vinny, and fifth grader Rosa.  Congratulations, winners!

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Delightful dinosaurs!

File_000 (27)Do you know the names of dinosaurs?  If so, you could answer this week’s dinosaur quiz.  Images and labels for Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus Rex were provided.  Contestants had to match the dinosaur names to the pictures.  Papers with the correct answers were entered in a drawing for a toy dinosaur.  The lucky winners are fourth graders Lilly and  Zach, and fifth grader Jesse.

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Pentomino puzzler

pentominoesHave you ever heard of a pentomino?  It is a two-dimensional geometric figure formed by joining five equal squares edge to edge.  There are twelve pentominoes in all.  They are used in math to solve puzzles and problems. This week’s library competition was to solve the same pentomino puzzle two ways.  It only takes two pieces to solve the puzzle, but the puzzler has to flip and rotate the pentominoes when trying to make them fit!  All papers with successful solutions were entered in a drawing for a jump rope and a water bottle.  There are three winners:  fourth grader Nevaeh, fifth grader Julia, and sixth grader Quintin. Each wins a water bottle and a jump rope.

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So buttons!

File_000 (25)This week’s competition was an estimation contest.  There were 902 colorful buttons in a jar. No one estimated the exact amount, but sixth grader David was mighty close with his estimate of 900 buttons. Good estimating, David!

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