Learning in the Library

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Chicka-dee-dee news

on March 4, 2016

Elizabeth Queen of the SeasWe continue to read more Chickadee Award nominees each week.  This time the kindergartners and Mrs. McCall’s class heard the true story about an elephant seal that adopted the city of Chistchurch, New Zealand as her home:  Elizabeth, Queen of the Seas by Lynne Cox.

Mrs. Cote, Mrs. Abell, Mrs. Bemis’ first graders; Mrs. Gillis and Mrs. Sturtevant’s second graders; and Mrs. Allaire’s third graders Highest Number in the Worldlistened to The Highest Number in the World by Roy MacGregor. In this picture book, Gabe, a young hockey player, learns why number 9 is the highest number in Montreal and other hockey hotbeds.

hana_hashimoto_sixth_violinMrs. Taylor’s first graders, Miss Mallon and Mrs. Sullivan’s second graders, and Mrs. Cousens’ class met Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin by Chieri Uegaki.  Hana, a beginner violinist, signs up to perform in her school talent show.  Her brothers tell her she’ll be a disaster, but Hana surprises everyone by making animal noises with her violin instead of playing a piece of music.  After the story, the children listened to the many voices of a violin through YouTube videos of a violinist making animal noises, another playing a piece of classical music, and a third playing a modern techno piece with a band!

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