Learning in the Library

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Special Valentine contest

During their weekly visits, both the kindergartners and the first graders participated in an estimation contest designed especially for them.  A jar was filled with 43 large pink and white marshmallow hearts.  The students were given number grids (0-99) and asked to circle the number of marshmallow hearts they thought were in the jar.  This is the list of the winners and runner-ups from each classroom:




Mrs. Carlisle’s Green Room Trinity Malachi
Mrs. Dillane’s Yellow Room Timothy Dayla and Isabella
Mrs. Dupere’s Blue Room Eden and William Carter and Tyler
Miss Smith’s Brown Room Aidan, Edwin and Tucker  
Mrs. Smith’s Red Room Kyle and Connor Patrick
Miss Stevens’ Pink Room Emily Carter and Kürt
Mrs. Sylvestre’s Orange Room Tyler Isaiah
Mrs. Taylor’s Purple Room Ryan Emily, Lila, and Jordan
Mrs. Bemis’ First Graders Paige Grace and Mackenzie
Miss Brown’s  First Graders Caysie Ben, Kotie, and Gavin
Miss Miliano’s  First Graders Alec Jaiden and Nick
Mrs. Sullivan’s  First Graders Jesse James and Elysia
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Sweet talk estimation

There was a Valentine estimation contest in the library last week.  A jar was filled with 314 conversation hearts.  No one guessed the exact amount, but sixth grader Elizabeth is the winner.  Her estimate of 315 candy hearts is only one away!  She wins a talking Valentine’s Day stuffed animal.

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Valentine storytime

Mrs. McCall’s students were treated to a valentine storytime last week.  The session became with some valentine rhymes.  Next Mrs. Miliano shared two holiday stories:  Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day by Alyssa Satin Capucilli  and Little Mouse’s Big Valentine by Thacher Hurd.  Then the children selected their new library books.  The session ended with the children making simple valentines by cutting hearts out of folded red paper.

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State research

Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Bissell’s fourth graders switch rooms for part of every day.  Mrs. Stevens teaches reading to both classes while Mrs. Bissell teaches math to both.  During their reading time, Mrs. Stevens brought Mrs. Bissell’s students to the library twice last week.  The first library lesson introduced a resource the students will be using as they research one of our country’s fifty states.  The students practiced locating information in various books (each about a different state) in the series Welcome to the U.S.A. by Ann Heinrichs.  Then they each selected a state to study.  During the second library lesson, Mrs. Miliano introduced the information the students will be collecting about their chosen states and the end product.  Each student will create a PowerPoint slide about his/her state.  The individual slides will be combined for a tour of the U.S.A. by region.  Together the class completed a graphic organizer about the state of Maine.  Now the students are researching their own states in the classroom.

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Chickadee Award Program continues

The Chickadee Award nominee featured last week was Goal!  by Mina Javaherbin.  This picture book is set in South Africa.  It tells the story of six boys who play soccer in the street despite the danger of bullies.  The first graders explored a second story also set in Africa.  Galimoto, by Karen Lynn Williams, tells how clever seven-year-old Kondi makes a toy for himself out of wire that he collects around his village.  Despite their poverty, the boys in both stories find joy in play.

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