Learning in the Library

Another excellent Edublogs.org blog

More Big6 Breakouts

File_000 (26)This week Mrs. Paradis’ fourth graders finally got their turn to breakout of the library!  Mrs. Paradis divided her students into teams and each team tackled one of the six information puzzles to unlock a lock.  Once one team finished, they assisted others.  The strategy worked because, not only did they unlock all six locks, but they finished with time left over (6 minutes and 40 seconds)!  Mrs. Paradis was thrilled and very proud of her students.

All three third grade classes experienced their first breakout this week.  The students had five information puzzles to solve.  For one puzzle, they Sanford and Springvale Maine in the Days of Fred Philpothad to look up the call number and find four library books.  Inside the front cover of each was a post-it note with a letter on it.  When the students sequenced the books, the letters spelled a word that served as the code for one of the locks.  Other puzzles required the students to use an encyclopedia, the index of an atlas, and the collection of local history photographs found in Harland Eastman’s Sanford and Springvale, Maine, in the Days of Fred Philpot. There was even a puzzle which required the students to alphabetize the names of our kindergarten teachers!  Mrs. Labbe’s class went first and they unlocked all five locks with over 4 minutes to spare. Mrs. Allaire’s class was next.  The students worked together and unlocked the locks with 21 minutes to spare.  Mrs. Parnham’s class was the last to experience the breakout, but it was the fastest! The students had 22 minutes left on the clock when they opened the box!  All the students seemed to enjoy working together toward a common goal and they practiced skills in the process!

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What goes together?

Mickey and Minnie balloonsBacon and eggs, salt and pepper, Mickey and Minnie…lots of things go together!  This week’s contest, the last one of the school year, asked students to match pair of book characters such as Henry and Mudge, Ivy and Bean, and Calvin and Hobbes.  Students who matched the six pairs correctly were entered in a drawing for a children’s book.  The three winners are first grader Sonny, third grader Vinny, and fifth grader Rosa.  Congratulations, winners!

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Summer reading ahead!

SPL logoWe know the end of the school year is in sight when our favorite children’s librarian from Springvale Public Library (SPL) visits our school!  Mrs. Sheila Dube spent Thursday with us, telling us about the summer reading program at Springvale Public Library.  This year’s theme is “Reading Olympics.”  Students can sign up for the reading fun the day school gets out (June 13th).  For more information, visit SPL in person or check out their website.  Thanks for your visit, Miss Sheila!

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Delightful dinosaurs!

File_000 (27)Do you know the names of dinosaurs?  If so, you could answer this week’s dinosaur quiz.  Images and labels for Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus Rex were provided.  Contestants had to match the dinosaur names to the pictures.  Papers with the correct answers were entered in a drawing for a toy dinosaur.  The lucky winners are fourth graders Lilly and  Zach, and fifth grader Jesse.

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Star Wars contest

In preparation for Star Wars Day on May 4th, this week’s competition asked participants to label eight famous characters from the Star Wars movies.  Character names were provided at the bottom of the page to assist with spelling.  Every paper with the characters correctly identified was entered in a drawing for a Darth Vader notebook.  The winning Star Wars fan is third grader Gwen.  Congratulations, Gwen!  “May the Fourth” be with you!

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